In Development: In the coming weeks, we will build a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) resource based on your questions and input.

Until then, the FAQs from the City of Yorba Linda website can be found


  • 75% of Yorba Lindans voted NO in 2022, so you were in good company at that time. Now, in 2024, there is much more at stake related to the Housing Element. If the City of Yorba Linda Housing Element Plan is NOT approved by the voters, the city will lose it’s certification with the state. Once the city no longer has a State-Certified Housing Element, builders can come in and avoid many of our planning and zoning requirements. In essence, developers can build whatever they want, and the city will find itself without grounds to deny the project. 

  • Every 8 years there is a housing cycle that assigns expectations for each city in CA to build a certain number of housing units. As voters, we need to make informed decisions to evaluate our State of CA officials and representatives who are up for election. Consider voting for those candidates or incumbents who have shown support for local land use and zoning control. You can learn more about bills and how your local representative has voted at:

    You can also consider supporting statewide organizations that are working hard to mitigate out of control housing mandates. All of these groups would benefit from your support:

  • The final version of the City of Yorba Linda Housing Element (Measure JJ on the fall ballot) DOES NOT include any zoning changes or any reference to the Bryant Ranch Shopping Center property as it is NOT a part of the city's plan. The property owner asked to be removed from the city’s Housing Element plan in late 2023 and qualified as a separate initiative for the fall ballot, now known as Measure KK.

  • To learn more YL4LC suggests visiting the following websites: